domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015

They Finally Arrived

Summary of this week's chapters

This chapters were full of excitement. At the beginning, Annabeth tells Percy about a prophecy were a half-blood child of The Big Three (Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades) will only live until the age of 16 and then he would become a dangerous weapon. Percy and Annabeth arrive at a spa called "C.C Spa & Resort" When they get there, C.C wants Annabeth to go with someone to help her far away from Percy as possible. C.C stays with Percy and talks about this makeover she could make him to look wonderful. She says there is only one condition, he needed to drink a special drink. Percy wanted to have that makeover so he drinked it. But, instead of becoming this perfect Percy, he became a hamster! Annabeth returned and saw Percy as a hamster, she made C.C turn Percy into human again and then they went out of there. They found a vessel called Queen Anne's Revenge and they used it to go to the island. Percy got some sleep but he didn't dream about Grover. He dreamed of voices saying you can't beat me and it was apparently Kronos. Annabeth wanted to hear the sirens because they said that they sing the truth about what you desire and if you survived them you become wiser so he told Percy to don't let her get out of the ship. Percy was didn't heard the sirens although he wanted and Annabeth almost fell but Percy saved her. After that, they had reached Polyphemus home. When they arrived, the place looked beautiful because of the Fleece. They saw the fleece on top of a tree so they thought it would be very easy to go get it but there were piranhas guarding the tree. They found Polyphemus with Grover and then they found Clarisse. She said the truth about Grover that he was a satyr and then Polyphemus didn't want to marry him anymore and he wanted to eat Grover and marry Clarisse. The sunset was coming and Polyphemus was getting ready to eat Grover and marry Clarisse until Annabeth tricked Polyphemus with the "nobody trick" that Odysseus used when he confronted Polyphemus. Percy went to rescue Grover and Clarisse and with hope to find Tyson but Clarisse said that when the ship blowed up, she was the only one to get out. Annabeth was invisible but Polyphemus trapped her and dropped her very bad so she got much hit. By that time Percy, Clarisse and Grover where there and attacked Polyphemus together and got ready to go in the ship and return. Grover was carrying Annabeth and was taking her to the ship so Percy and Clarisse tried to ran after them. Polyphemus was right after them. Percy got a knife and cut the ropes of the bridge they were going through and he also stabbed Polyphemus with the knife, he was very injured. Percy felt bad for the Cyclops so he didn't kill him and he asked for the fleece and he said yes but he was just fooling with Percy. Then someone hitted Polyphemus with a rock.... it was Tyson! Tyson get them the fleece and used it on Annabeth for a while because she was really hurt. She couldn't stand and as they were going to Queen Anne's Revenge, they had to swim for a little part so Annabeth had to make an effort and swim.

Important quotes

"Bad Polyphemus, Tyson said. Not all Cyclopes as nice as we look.'' (Page 220)
I really like the kind of message the author is giving. I think like in some way it means that sometimes we might look good but we can make things really bad. I also liked how Tyson was alive and was there for his friends.
"Clarisse picked up Annabeth like a sack of flour and lugged her down the beach" (Page 223)
I liked this part of the book because it shows how Clarisse is good with them although before she hated them. I think in some way she was thankful and was in a team feeling. Even if she carried Annabeth like a sack of flour, she still helped.

Final thoughts

We almost get to the end of the book! I think our main problem is already solved so I will like to know what happens next. I predict they will get someone to heal them. I hope they get to camp fast so they can give the fleece and be healed. I also predict that they will be very honored for going and rescuing the fleece. I hope we have a good end.

This week's meme

How I and I think the others felt when they were fighting Polyphemus.

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