lunes, 12 de octubre de 2015

An Opportunity Is Being Presented

Summary of this week's chapter

In this week's chapters a lot of exciting things happened. First, Percy started to feel embarrassed that Tyson was his half-brother and he kind of wanted to deny it and felt mad with Poseidon. Then, Tantalus organized a chariot race and Annabeth was first teamed up with Percy but then they got into a fight and they ended up doing the chariot on different teams, Percy and Tyson and Annabeth and some of the people from her cabin. While Percy was lonely, because of the fight he had with Annabeth, he started to remember all of the memories he had about Luke and how he almost killed him and leaving him a scar. Percy had another dream about Grover where he could communicate with Grover and he is wearing a wedding dress and he looks like he is going to get married but he is telling the groom that he needs more days. Then he tells Percy he is on an island with a Cyclops called Polyphemus and to please rescue him. Polyphemus thinks Grover is a lady Cyclops. Grover got there when he was searching for Pan but it was all a trap and it leads to this cave with this Cyclops and that's why no Satyr comes back. He tells Percy that this island is located on The Sea of Monsters but Percy doesn't know where that is. He also tells him that they are like connected so if he dies, Percy also dies. Percy tells Annabeth about the dream about Grover. She tells Percy that it's impossible that that will happen so they will talk later since the chariot race was going to start. The Chariot race started but then bronze and evil pigeons attacked and they were very dangerous. They played a song and all the pigeons died. Tantalus punished Annabeth, Tyson and Percy for the pigeons and made them dish cleaners. Annabeth tells Percy about the Golden Fleece which can heal Thalia's tree and make camp go back to normal. They said it's on The Sea of Monsters where Grover was, that was located on the Bermuda's triangle. They asked Tantalus if they could go in a quest to find the Golden Fleece and he accepts but he sends Clarisse instead of Percy, Annabeth and Tyson. On the night, Percy meets Hermes and he tells him about the quest but he tells Percy to go and he gives him a bag full of things that will help Percy and a ship called Princess Andromeda to go on his quest. Hermes also mentions he also wants Luke to go back to being good and that if they see Luke to make him capacitate and go back to the Olympian's side. Percy, Annabeth and Tyson go on the quest and go in Princess Andromeda but to get there they had to ride hippocampus that were animals from the water that Tyson called Rainbow. They slept there and Percy had another dream but first it started with voices from Tartarus and telling mean things to Percy and then Grover trying to delay the wedding day and telling Percy to hurry up! The next day Annabeth realizes all the people from the ship is on a sort of trance and that Luke is also aboard on the ship. They need to get out!

Important quotes

"Good-bye Percy. There is a new Golden Age coming. You won't be part of it." (Page 70)
I infer that this quote means that Kronos is going to take over the Olympus and that this new age is coming. It kind of tells Percy like they have a plan so be prepared fora huge thing. I also think it means if Percy continues to support the Olympian's he is not going to end well and that this Golden Age is going to rule and he is not going to be on it.
"Oh   my gods, Percy! You are so hopeless." (Page 86) 
In this part I got really confused on the feelings of both. I thought Percy wanted to go on the quest to save Grover and get the Golden Fleece, but here he is so negative. Also Annabeth at first didn't want to go on the quest so i think they changed like positions. 

Final thoughts 

I am very hooked to the book right now since it's starting the rising action. I predict they will have problems with Luke when he finds him. I also predict Clarisse will be somewhere near the fleece. I think this has been so far the best things that have happened. I really want to know what is going to happen when Luke will find Percy and his team.

This week's meme

How I think Percy felt when he knew he had the resources to go on the quest.


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