martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

A Rescue That Ends Bad

Summary of this week´s chapter

In this week´s chapters the adventure continues. In the beginnig, Percy and his team (Annabeth and Tyson) try to scape but as they scape they see one half-blood and they found out Luke was talking about Chiron and a prophecy. Tyson can make the exact same voice since he is a Cyclops, so he copies Luke. Luke finds Percy and his team and talks to them. Luke accepts that he poisoned Thalia's tree. He also reveals he has a team and that they are going to reform Kronos and he tries to persuade Percy and Annabeth to join his side. Percy's team escapes from Princess Andromeda and go to a life boat. On the life boat they contacted Chiron through iris message and he said something about Miami. Then, the life boat hit Virginia and Percy knew the exact coordinates since he gets knowledge in the sea for being the son of the sea god. They arrived at a bay and when to one of many half-blood hideout Annabeth, Thalia and Luke made when they escaped from the monsters wanting to go back to Camp Half-blood. Annabeth told Percy about Thalia and that she died when they escaped from the monsters to return to camp because of a Cyclops and that's why Annabeth didn't much liked Tyson. Annabeth send Tyson to buy donuts and he bought them at a place called "Monster Doughnuts". Annabeth knew that this monster doughnuts were places were monsters lived. A Hydra came to their place because of the doughnuts. They defeated the Hydra by exploding it with a canyon ball thrown by Clarisse who picked Percy and his team on her ship. When they got to the ship Clarisse said Dionysus and Tantalus expelled them from camp. She said she didn't want to be part of a team with Percy so they were like guests. Percy had another dream about Grover where he asks Polyphemus where the Golden Fleece is but he doesn't tell him and Polyphems says Grover needs to finish his weeding training tomorow. On the morning, Percy eavesdrops the conversation of Clarisse and his father Ares. Ares sounded very strict and mad. Later, they got to the part in The Sea of Monsters where there is Charybdis and her sister Scylla. Charybdis sucks up the sea and Scylla starts plucking sailors of the ship. They had problems in the engine so Tyson goes and solves it because he is a Cyclops and can support the heat. Charybdis sucked them up but nothing really bad happen and then Scylla throwed them from her cliff and before they landed the ship exploded. Everything blowed up and Percy didn't know what happened to Tyson since he was on the engine room.

Important quotes

"Joins us and you will be rewarded. We have powerful friends, sponsors rich enough to buy this cruise ship and much more. Percy, your mother will never have to work again. You can buy her a mansion You can have power, fame-whatever you want. Annabeth, you can realize your dream of being an architect. You can build a monument to last a thousand years. A temple to the lords of the next age!" (Page 130-131)
I like the persuasive writing the author is using right now because it's really appealing. He is using things important and that struggle a lot on Percy and Annabeth's life. I really like how he also says what great future they will have if they join his side.
"When you're at sea you have perfect bearings. That is so cool."
I also think is really cool how Percy has perfect knowledge on the sea. I also like how the author makes everything make sense like this. I also think is nice how Annabeth complimented that advantage

Final Thoughts

I think this book is having a good plot with all this adventures. I think this part is kind of the middle of the story where we are almost close to the biggest story. I predict they will be tomorow with Grover and rescue him. I also predict maybe Luke will also be there to get the Fleece. I am super excited to continue reading the book.

This week's meme

My reaction when Luke seemed so convincing.


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