lunes, 25 de julio de 2016

Where is Margo?

Summary of this week´s chapters

Margo and Q started to finish their tasks. Task #8 was leaving a dead fish on Margo´s awfull friend. Task #9 was to shave one eyebrow of Q´s enemy. Task #10 was to go to the top of a big building and see the city and Margo says Orlando is a paper town city. And the last task was to break into Sea World were they danced as Q fell more in love with Margo but as the night ended she says something about missing Q. The next few days, Margo doesn´t asist to school and Q starts to worry and wonder why she is missing. One day, Q goes to the kitchen and finds Margo´s parents and a detective. They tell Q that Margo ran off from home. Margo´s parents tell Q that when Margo ran off her home before she left little clues but they did not exactly said where she was. Another day, Q, Ben, and Radar (Q´s friends) find a poster of Woody Guthrie on Margo´s window. They think is a clue so they go to Margo´s room to keep looking for clues. They find the next clue which was an album with the song "Walt Whitman niece" which leds to the next clue which is a book written by Walt with quotes highlited. Q figures out he has to continue finding this cues to find Margo. 
This is how I feel about this few chapters....

Important quotes

"You see how fake it all is. It´s not even hard enough to be made out of plastic. It´s a paper town."

I like this part because you can think deep about what Margo analyzed from the city. Also, coming from Margo you can infeer she knows and I guess she is tired of things that are like plastic, fake, like people. When I read this I felt like i did understand Margo´s fellings and thoughts. I can make I connection to me because I also see how fake nd plastic things can be and i don´t like when things are like that.

"Margo´s blue blue eyes blinked and she looked impossibly beautiful right then, her jeans wet agains her legs, her face shining in the gray light."

I really like how the author uses imagery here. When I read this part I could picture a Margo in my head and also the scene. The author describes so well that the book comes into live. I also really likje how the author makes Q say this things about Margo because you can see the very romantic part about Q and how he feels about Margo.

Final thoughts

I enjoy so much reading this book because it is full of surprises. I like the part about the clues and I am excited to know what clues Margo has left. I oredict that Q is going to find her but is going to take a lot of time to find her. I hope this book continues to be as good as it is right now. 

This is how the book has gotten me so far....

domingo, 17 de julio de 2016

11 Tasks in One Night

                                        Paper Towns 

Summary of this week´s chapters

This time I am reading the book called Paper Towns by John Green. So far, this book is amazing and this is what has happened so far. Q (Quentin) is a teen who is the neighboor of the most beautiful and popular girl that is Margo Roth Spiegelmen. They were really close friends when they were little but now that they are seniors they are almost strangers. Prom is coming soon and Q doesn´t have a date and he is in love with Margo but she has a boyfriend (Jason). Even Radar (Q´s friend) has his girlfriend Angela to go to prom with him. One random night, Margo hits Q´s window like she did when they were little. Q was really confused since they were super distanced and Margo told him she has 11 things to do on that night so she asked Q to be his companion and he agreed. The 11 things were for a prank to Jason since he cheated on Margo with her best friend. So we are on task 8 and so far they bought stuff for the prank, embarrased Jason, left a note to Margo´s best friend and Jason,and thanked the one who told Margo about the cheating. 

My face when I read about Margo´s revenge.

Important quotes

"When you say nasty things about people, you should never say the true ones, because you 
can´t really fully and honest take those back you know?"

I think that what Margo is saying here is right and you can like reflect on the quote. Is like I am getting new learnings from the book and that is great. When Margo says this you can see her personality. You can see that she is original and she has her own beliefs. She reflects on what she says before saying it.

"The way I figure it, everyone gets a miracle."

This is how the book starts and I think this is a really good start. When I read this I thought this book is going to show something about miracles. I agree on this because I also think everyone gets a miracle. Can be small or big but it´s a miracle. I can also make a connection because once my father also told me in life something is our miracle.

Final thoughts

I think so far this book is amazing! I am so hocked to this book because is really interesting and is a fun book. I also like it so much since is like about teens life and I understand it and I can make conections. I predict that they will be able to make the 11 tasks but maybe they will get caught making one of them. I can´t wait to keep reading this amazing book!