lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016

Killer is Still Out There....

Summary of this week´s chapters

Sutton and Garrett were arguing and Garrett brought Thayer into the conversation saying that he liked Sutton but they got into a fight and Thayer ran away. TLG made a camp trip after homecoming, as they were leaving the Twitter twins approached the car and Emma did not wanted them to come but the rest of TLG had invited them without telling Emma. As they were on their way, Lily and Gabi got into a huge fight and Lily decides to take a cab to her house and Gaby goes to camp with TLG. When they arrived, they went hiking and started to play Two Truths and a Lie. We discovered Madeline said something about knowing where Thayer was and why he left but we don't know if that is true or a lie. Charlotte kissed her date, Gaby said something about touching a dead body body but don't know if that is a true or a lie and Emma didn't knew how to lie fast. Gaby tried to make Emma fall hiking but she felt instead!Emma felt lots of guilt since she thought it was her fault. All TLG went searching for Gaby and Emma found her. When Emma supposedly found "Gaby"she found out it was Lily and that she was alone with both Twitter Twins that were her sister's possible killer! Sutton remember what happened after the train prank. They were at the hospital and the doctors said Gaby had a seizure becuase of epilepsy but she is fine and then Lily threatens Sutton with a pay back. All the event with Gaby and Lily was a prank!!! They planned it for weeks so the Twitter were innocent but the killer was still out there! The Twitter Twins entered TLG and went back home but there were so many unanswered questions now like how crashed Emma a light on her head? Lastly, Emma and Ethan talked abou Twitter Twins and knew about a rumor that Sutton killed someone with her car and connects with the car in the impound. Emma heard scaring sounds and went to look and it was.... THAYER!

Important quotes...

"'Run Emma!' I screamed at my sister. "Get out of there!'" (Shepard 269).

I think this quote shows the love and care Sutton has for Emma. I also think it shows ow dangerous this siruation was. When I read this I really got into the story. All the readers think of the scenario and everythig. It makes the environment more real and scary.

"He would've done anything for you"(Shepard 245).
I think Emma got really sensitive in this quote and also Sutton. I think If I was Emma I would feel bad and guilty. The autjor does this in a way to show how bad Emma was spending prom.

Final Thoughts

I really enjoyed a lot this book, hope I can read another book like this in the future. I like how the ending was different and surprising. The author really knew how to make a great story with lots of suspense. Hope in another book there will be lots of interesting topics. Really really loved this books,


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