lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

What Happens at a Car Crash?

Summary of this week´s chapters

A new book came again! This book is If I stay. It´s about this girl called Mia that loves to play chello and has a boyfriend called Adam who is a rock band player. Mia´s family is into music a lot and more rock and roll. One day it was snowing so Mia´s family decide to go visit their relatives. In one of those turns a truck comes and they crash. Mia somehow is alive and sees all of their family very hurt. She later sees herself bleeding on the snow. She later realizes she didn´t quite survive the crash, she is an a sort of coma where she can see everything outside but nobody can see her. Then Mia and her family are taken to the hospital. While Mia is taken o the surgery with small posibilities to survive, she finds out her parents are dead. This was my reaction when I knew she kind of survived the crash:

Important quotes

"I need to find Teddy! Where is he?" (Forman 14).
Here Mia relates looking for Teddy after the crash to when he lost him on the mall. I like when a conection like this happens because I get to understand it better. Obviuosly loosing you brother after a crash is way much desesperate and worst but I can understand better.
"Am I dead? I actually have to ask myself this" (Froman 16).
This was a really shocking fact since you normally think that after a crash like Mia´s that was very fatal you might be dead. It is also very shocking because not knowing you are dead is really weird. I also was thinking that Mia must be so shocked and confused right now.

Final thoughts

I really like this book so far. I most of all like a lot Mia´s character, I think she is a very beautifull girl. I like a lot the problem which I think is that she is in a sort of coma. I think this topic is really interesting. I hope the book continues to be as great as it is so far. 

This week´s meme

This is my smile everytime I read about Mia and Adams relationship

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