martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015

Wow! How Can People Survive This

Summary of this week's chapters

These chapters were about how girls survive over bullying and all that stuff. A story was about a girl that gets excluded from her group and her friends like pretend like if she didn't exist like they supposedly wrote all the group names except for hers. Other story was about this girl that felt insecure about herself and started to pick on a girl called Jodie and she started bullying her by telling her mean things and making her feel bad just because she was insecure about herself. Another story was about this girl who had a best friend but her best friend left the country and they made official groups of girls, she joined the popular girls and years later her friend came back but she realized her friend did not wanted to be with her because everyone thought she was annoying and it was like a bad reputation. With this and more stories I learned and made connections to stories about teenage girl life.

Important quotes

"Let's say you feel like a friend of yours has been weird to you all day" (Simmons 144).
When I was reading this book I started to think a lot about this quote. I think this type of witting the author uses is very good since it gives example and it starts to see the world like we see. I really like how the author understands how girls feel. I also think is very good how the author knows how to write a book to a specific audience.
"Hurt me once, shame on you; hurt me twice, shame on me"(Simmons 138).
This quote sounds very deep. It is a quote that was being said by the mom of this girl. I think this quote is truth because when you let a person hurt you twice is really dumb. 

Final Thoughts

I really like this book I make so many connections and in a way I can see solution o my problems and future problems. I like how the author is super good explaining the chapter and showing you. It makes me really see the person's point of view and in a way feel what they feel. One thing I also want to mention because I think is super important is how the author writes for a specific audience. I really like this because you get to think a lot deeper and make more connections.

This week's meme 

I thought about this song when I was reading all this stories.. Brave
I also thought that this was a good quote and I connected to maybe what the author is trying to show.

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