miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2016

What Do You Think Happened?

Summary of this week´s chapters

This story is over now! At the end of the chapters, a doctor that was friend of Mia´s parents told all Mia´s relatives to ccome visit her. First goes Adam but the he tells Mia to wait and then Kim goes inside. Mia was considering not staying and she was happy because she would remember Kim´s last memory as one of the best. The last memory Mia has on the story is when her family had like a dinner and they had a lot of fun and then they started to play instruments and Adam and Mia´s father convinced Mia to play the cello with them and it was a special night for her. Later, Adam comes back again to visit Mia and he says his last word but basically he tells Mia to stay. Mia that moment got so tired and could not go any morelike this. She remembered all the love and the strenght Mia´s relatives gave her and the book ends with "Mia?" so is left for the reader to decide the end.
This book deserves a lot of applause. Great book!

Important quotes

"You have a family" (Forman 184).
I think this quote is one of the biggest that show love and support to Mia. When this quote appears, it gives Mia the knowledge that she is not alone. It also tells her that if she decides to stay its not like she is going to end up alone, she has her one family. I think this is the answer to what Mia thought about what will happen if she stayed, she will wake up with no family.
"But if you need me to go away, I´ll do that, too (Forman 193).
This quote shows how Adam also accepts if Mia doesn´t stay. Adam wants more than anything for Mia to stay but I think is so good from his part to accept if she doesn´t want to stay. I think this quote made Mia think a lot harder about her decision. I also think it was a really good thing to say because they don´t pressure Mia with her decision.

Final thoughts

I loved this book so much! I really want to know what haeppened to Mia but the author also wants to know what we think. I really liked how Gayle Forman wrote this book, it was so descriptive and good. I liked a lot how you didn´t knew what could happen it was all surprises. I think I also liked a lot this book because you get to be in Mia´s shoes and think how muvh support and love she gets, it´s amazing.

This week´s gif

The book got me like this thinking what happened with Mia.

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2016

Will She Stay?

Summary of this week´s chapters

Mia is still in the hospital and she just got worst. Since she figured out that Teddy passed away, she got in healthy problems. She almost died but the doctors saved her. Later her grandparents go visit her and her grandfather leaves the message that gets Mia to know if she is going to stay. He tells Mia is okay if she doesn´t go, is her decision and he is going to support her. This leads Mia into a lot of thinking if she is going to stay or not. Mia remembers when her dad quit his band to takecare of his children´s and Mia asked if he was upset about it and he said no leaving Mia a lesson about decisions. Later, Adam goes and visits Mia and Mia is so happy and Adam tells Mia to please not make him write a song about this which I infer it means to make mia stay and this confuses Mia even more.

 Important quotes

"I wonder if every dying person gets to decide whether they stay or go" (Forman 150).
I also have the same wonder as Mia right now. Like Mia gets to decide right now this but what about her parents and Teddy? Did they also decide? I also think this thought might be so important in Mia´s decision to stay or not. I can´t even think how hard thinking about staying might be.
"Sometimes you make choices in life and sometimes choices make you" (Forman 161).
I think this is like a important lesson the author is trying to give the reader. I think is true because the choices you make define the person you want to be. Also I think this quote means like you don´t always get to decide. I think that is something important to know because if you don´t make a decision you have to deal with it, and you should deal with it the best possible.

Final thoughts

I want so much to know what decision is going to make Mia. I am almost finishing the book so I am very excited. I predict Mia won´t stay but I think she will think about it a lot! So far, everyone has giving a lot of support to Mia which is so good and shows the other people personalities. I can´t think of how Mia is going to live her life if she stays.

This weeek´s meme

This meme represent me saying like let´s go slow because so much suspensive stuff  happens on this chapters!