domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015

Unbelievable but Brave Stories

Summary of this weeks' chapters

On this week´s reading I read new stories and learned new lessons. This weeks' chapters were about when friends turn on you. The first story I read was about this girl that was dropped by their friends all of the sudden. This happened over the summer so when she came to her first day of school everyone bothered her of a mistake she made with boys over the summer. She got bullied and got depression but she told her parents and the social worker of her school and she went to do homeschooling and felt good. Another story I read was about this girl who also lost her friends all of the sudden because she always made her best to make her friends feel good. She was diagnosed for depression and started to lose weight. She was so bad she couldn´t even swim one lap in a pool. She started to see a therapist and she changed from school and then she started to gain weight again and feel good again. Through this and more stories I learned about experiences of friends turning over you and how it feels. I also learned how much damage this can make.

Important quotes

"Trust is something you build gradually with another person" (Simmons 106).
I think this quote is very beautiful and true. I think this is something that comes with time and time is something super important when you face this things. I will share this quote with my friends. I think this is something we should know because is one message of the book that will help you on your life.
"Maybe someday I'll find a girl who I can trust, but I found out that girls at this age are mean, malicious, and liars" (Simmons 98).
I somehow think the same way as the author but I also kind of disagree. I think the same way because there are mean girls that are a lot like that characteristics but there are girls are not. I think this girl can find someone that will make her feel good again. I think girls are very negative and think they will be sad forever and I think the author wants to show us this.

Final thoughts

I am really hooked to this book since I can relate and make connections a lot. I get to see a lot about girl feelings and that also teaches me how to treat girls that have gone through this. This book also shows me how to act if something like this happens to me. I really like this author and her way of writing books. 

This weeks' meme

Me after reading that type of stories.

sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015

New Book, New Learnings

Sumary of this week´s chapters

This new book is about real life teenage girl problems told by themselves. This week I read about girls that no longer want to be friends with one girl. The first case was a girl who didn't want to be friends with another girl called Maya because she was mean to her. The girl stopped being friends with Maya and then was happy, but Maya wasn't so she changed of school. The other example was when there was this girl named Mara and she copied her friends so they liked her. Her friends got so tired of her copying them so they got her out of their group. At first they thought it was a relief but later they realized they needed someone to copy them and they missed her but they already lost her. Another story was when this girl had a dylsexia problem and their friends were very popular. At the beggining they didn't mind but later everyone knew that this girl had dyslexia so they thought that ruin their reputation so they stopped being frineds with her. There are a lot of stories like this on my book told by many different teenage girls from different ages. At the end the author tells the reader like a lesson and how to act towards this problems.
When I hear this bullying stories i am like this...

Important quotes

"If people don't like you for who you are, then don't bother being their friend." (Simmons 62).
I think this is one important lesson the author is trying to teach us. I also agreee that this is true and I like how Rachel Simmons shows us this message through this stories. I also think this quote supports all this week's chapters have been about.
"Girls get quiet because they're afraid to say what they really think" (Simmons 48).
I think this is a great advice the author is giving us. As I said before, the author always gives us like a lesson and this really makes u think deeply about each topic. I agree with this because I can make connections to lots of my friends that are act this way.

Final thoughts

I really enjoyed this book since it is teenage real life problems. I can make connections to some of the feelings and problems this girls have. I really like to hear this stories and see how they act towards their problems. I am super excited to keep reading the book. I hope the book keeps being as good as it is right now.

This week's meme

Me everytime I read the author's leson