domingo, 2 de agosto de 2015

Almost Resolving the Mystery

Summary of this week's chapters....

This chapters are awesome since we are almost getting to the end and a lot of answers were presented. On the first chapter Sutton gets a flashback were Thayer hurts Sutton the same day they went to the Canyon and Sutton dies and when Sutton escapes and gets to her car, Thayer reaches her and then everything blacks out and she can't remember anything about it. Later, Emma goes to Ethan's house to tell him about her visit to see Thayer in Jail. She finally decides to tell Ethan about the prank Sutton's friends were going to do and Ethan gets mad at Emma for not stopping the prank. Emma receives a call from the police station saying that the blood they found on Sutton's car (from the night she was murdered) is from Thayer! Can you believe it! On the night, Emma couldn't sleep because she felt really bad and was crying so she went to drink water and she found Mrs. Mercer and talked to her about the problem she had with Ethan and she gave Emma a really good advice. On the next chapter, Madeline drives Emma to the police station so Emma can get back her car and when Emma finally gets her car back she noticed a paper that said Dr. Sheldon Rose. Emma searched for Dr. Sheldon Rose and she found out he was a psychiatrist that was specialized in extreme mental dissorders. Emma called the hospital were he worked on and she found out Thayer was there and he came out on September and he had been in and out his treatment and left against doctor's orders. The next day, Emma had a class with Ethan but they skipped class to talk and now they made up and they are planning a prank to Sutton's friends and Sutton and Ethan are going to the secret party Emma and Sutton's friends were planning together.

Important quotes....

"That's the first time you've ever thanked me for giving you advice." (214)  This quote really made me reflect what kind of relationship Sutton had with her parents. I really thought how Emma and Sutton where really different on some kind of stuff. "The blood is a perfect match for Thayer Vega."(207) This part of the book is were I really really got shocked. I always thought that the blood was going to be obviously Sutton's but when I read that i really wanted to know how that was possible

Final thoughts....

  I am really really close to see who Sutton's real killer is, and I am so excited! I think Sutton's killer is not going to be Thayer and that the book will really surprise me. Although I think maybe Thayer will be like an accomplice but maybe he is going to take it out of hands because of his mental disorder.

This week's photo....

So I really liked how Emma and Ethan fixed things so i related it to this scene of Gossip Girl

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