lunes, 25 de enero de 2016

Everyone Wants Someone Like Adam

Summary of this week´s chapters

In this week´s chapters Mia gets out of surgery in a comma status. While she is in comma she rembers important things like when she first meet her best friend. She also remembers things like the first time she meet Adam. In this chapters we get to see how romantic Adam is. He knows that Mia lovs classic music so he invites her on their fist date to a classic music concert. Also she remembers the time when they went together for treack and treating with Mia´s little brother (Teddy) and thn went to Adam´s band concert and thats when Mia discovered that feeling that Adam makes her feel so special. He is also very concerned about Mia but he doesn´t know he is on the hospital yet. The people who are on the hospital are Mia´s uncles , ants and grandparents and also Kim who is her best friend. She also remembers good memories with her grandparents.
Adam makes me feel like

Important quotes

"Please don´t die"(Forman 57).
Although thisis such a simple quote it shows a lot of love. This quote is being said by Kim and obviously she loves Mia a lot! It shows how much she cares for her since even if Mia is not listening she is telling her to not give up and to PLEASE not die. 
"Adam said that he didn[t mind worrying about me" (Forman 48).
I think this quote is very quote and shows a lot about Adams personality. Is so romantic since it says that he cares for Mia and that is very cute. It also shows how omantic and loving Adam is specially with Mia.

Final thoughts

I have totally fallen in love with this book so far. I love so much each character specially Adam, he is sooo romantic I love that! I love so much this story since its a very unic story that I have read. I want to see what happens to Mia on the hospital. I predict she is going to wake up and go to see Adam or maybe Adam is going to be with Mia when she wakes up.

This week's gif

My reaction to the first date of Mia and Adam....

lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

What Happens at a Car Crash?

Summary of this week´s chapters

A new book came again! This book is If I stay. It´s about this girl called Mia that loves to play chello and has a boyfriend called Adam who is a rock band player. Mia´s family is into music a lot and more rock and roll. One day it was snowing so Mia´s family decide to go visit their relatives. In one of those turns a truck comes and they crash. Mia somehow is alive and sees all of their family very hurt. She later sees herself bleeding on the snow. She later realizes she didn´t quite survive the crash, she is an a sort of coma where she can see everything outside but nobody can see her. Then Mia and her family are taken to the hospital. While Mia is taken o the surgery with small posibilities to survive, she finds out her parents are dead. This was my reaction when I knew she kind of survived the crash:

Important quotes

"I need to find Teddy! Where is he?" (Forman 14).
Here Mia relates looking for Teddy after the crash to when he lost him on the mall. I like when a conection like this happens because I get to understand it better. Obviuosly loosing you brother after a crash is way much desesperate and worst but I can understand better.
"Am I dead? I actually have to ask myself this" (Froman 16).
This was a really shocking fact since you normally think that after a crash like Mia´s that was very fatal you might be dead. It is also very shocking because not knowing you are dead is really weird. I also was thinking that Mia must be so shocked and confused right now.

Final thoughts

I really like this book so far. I most of all like a lot Mia´s character, I think she is a very beautifull girl. I like a lot the problem which I think is that she is in a sort of coma. I think this topic is really interesting. I hope the book continues to be as great as it is so far. 

This week´s meme

This is my smile everytime I read about Mia and Adams relationship